Rachel Cassar

Published: 7 May 2019

visNET project team

Rachel Cassar is a PhD researcher at the University of Glasgow’s Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, focusing on the role of perceived similarity in romantic couples.

Rachel moved to Glasgow with a background in corporate strategy and finance, having conducted a quantitative dissertation on the Great Recession of 2008 for a Bachelor of Accountancy (University of Malta). She had also completed an MA in Management and Organisational Analysis (University of Warwick) for which she conducted an ethnography on the influence of cross-cultural partnerships within Kenya’s Maasai-run NGOs. Rachel later converted to a career in psychological research following an MSc in Psychological Studies at the University of Glasgow, for which she based her dissertation on the avoidance of intimacy among self-discrepant individuals.

Since starting her PhD, Rachel has worked as a research assistant using quantitative methods on an impact study of British Council programmes on student outcomes. She has also presented research posters at various conferences and assumed the role of editor for BPS student magazine, PsychTalk during 2018. Rachel joined the VisNET project with an interest in gender research and in the social implications that arise from disparities in opportunities.

First published: 7 May 2019